A journal that focuses on Flash Platform development, and a little bit about what I am up to on any given day.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

ITunes Podcasting (4.9)


Many of you already know about this, but Apple has released ITunes 4.9. The new version features podcasting. I am really impressed that Apple has embraced this movement, it is really an open oppourtunity for anyone to start publishing content.

I have not delved too deep into it all yet, but I noticed that Apple does allow you to publish your podcast RSS feed through the ITunes music store. I wasn't expecting this, I thought it would be more of a manual process of discovering the feeds yourself on the net and adding them in.

In my mind this is so empowering. A true democratization of broadcasting is happening here. A few of us are already starting to talk about creating podcasts of everything from the Flash Platform, to what kind of trouble we got into on the weekend!

Anyways, my 40 gigs of IPOD space will be filling up alot faster now.


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