A journal that focuses on Flash Platform development, and a little bit about what I am up to on any given day.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

SWFStudio V3! - (Add In coming)

I just wanted to point people to the Northcode site to check out V3 of SWFStudio. The new version is brilliant, introducing features such as a JScript interpreter, new plugins such as UDP and TCP, as well as a robust Actionscript API in place of the old fscommands.

On the Teknision front, we are just about ready to release an extension to the Flash Authoring Enviornment allowing you to create applications and screensavers right from Flash leveraging SWFStudio. You can set and edit all SWFStudio V3 options right in Flash as well as do builds. The SWFStudio SPF data is all stored inside the fla file, making it very portable.

I am currently in meetings all day in Boston, but I will do a full write up on my impressions of V3 when I return to Ottawa tonight, and hopefully have the SWFStudio Extension ready for release by tommorrow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could anyone recommend a SWF authoring tool that runs on OS X. I know some of the tools export TO mac but I need ot be able to run it on my powerbook.

2:41 AM


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