2 More Predictions for Rich Internet Applications
Echoing Ryan Stewart's great post 10 Predictions for Rich Internet Applications in 2007, I thought I'd add two more that I think deserve to be on the list. Mine are bit less, "technology used to build them" oriented, but still pretty major:
1: Cut a Hole In a Box
haha just joking....
11: RIA's in the living room
With the pending release of the Opera Browser for the Nintendo Wii tomorrow, we may a surge of Rich Internet Applications appear on the scene, adapted for the Wii. Playsation 3 is also exploring this concept of browsing the web on TV.
With the state of the web right now (Web 2.0 services), and the pending exposion of Rich Internet Applications, mixed with the ability to deliver these applications into the living room, I believe that this is the biggest opportunity of all. YouTube could be poised to replace traditional television completely!
Try and think of all the other web services that could be amazing delivered over a browser on the Wii....:
etc.... (must I run down the entire list? You get the idea)
Man, it is an amazing thought.
12: Branded Applications/Branded Utility
In 2007 I believe that the marketing industry and major brands will start to understand and take advantage of the Rich Internet Application.
The majority of great RIA's now are developed by companies providing services in which the service is the core of their business, making the RIA the core of their business.
In the next year major brands will catch onto the success of Rich Internet Applications and leverage them to build brand loyalty by empowering digital lifestyle.
Apple and Nike have already done this with the Tune Your Run project.
I believe that you will see many more popular brands trying to become part of your life, just like most of the Web 2.0 companies are doing, and they will use Rich Internet Applications as a way to do it, to become more useful to you personally.
PSFK has been running some very interesting conversation around the Branded Utility topic as of late.