A journal that focuses on Flash Platform development, and a little bit about what I am up to on any given day.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Free Music - The wrong way!

So it seems you can actually get full mp3 files for free from Pandora!:

Download MP3 files from Pandora

I just loaded up a station, and used the Firefox extension called Tamper Data to see the calls out to the files. I was able to just freely download them!

This can't be a good thing for one of the market leaders in this space, and this article is on page 2 of Digg right now.


Blogger mykel said...

Yeah I saw the Digg article this morning... It's not the first time this has happened to them... The problem is that they use progressive download... no matter how clever your scheme is to mask the download, it ends up being touched by the browser and so catchable.

11:59 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time Tracker- Can't seem to find where that is anymore. Is there anyway I can get a copy? Love your BLOG!!!!!!

11:27 AM

Blogger free rapidshare account said...

free runescape account here



11:01 PM

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